
Enable MMS on iPhone 3.1 via AT&T

via Redmond Pie by Taimur Asad on 9/21/09

MMS functionality for AT&T customers of iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS running iPhone firmware 3.1 is set to launch officially on September 25th. Aaron Krill has posted a nice little trick to enable this functionality right now before the official launch on 25th.

MMS on AT&T iPhone 3.1

The following step-by-step guide will help you enable MMS functionality on iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS running firmware 3.1 on AT&T network:

Step 1: Download and install the latest version of iTunes if you haven't already.

Step 2: Make sure iTunes is closed before following the steps below:

Windows 7 & Windows Vista:

  • Click on "Start" and type "Command Prompt" in search and then press enter.
  • Goto \Program Files\iTunes\ directory by typing "cd C:\Program Files\iTunes\" in Command prompt and press enter. For those of you who are on x64 version of Windows should type this instead: "cd C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\"
  • Now type "iTunes.exe /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1" in the Command Prompt and press enter.

Command Prompt

Mac OS X:

  • Start the "Terminal" app by navigation to Applications –> Utilities. Or just type "Terminal" in spotlight search and hit enter.
  • Now type this command and press enter: "defaults write com.apple.iTunes carrier-testing -bool TRUE"


Step 3: Download the modified .IPCC file (ATT_US.ipcc). Download link given below.

Step 4: Now connect your iPhone with your computer and start iTunes.

Step 5: Now press and hold left "alt" button ("Shift" button on Windows) on the keyboard and then click on "Check for Update" in iTunes and then release the "Shift" button.

iTunes - Check for Update

Step 6: Select the .IPCC file which you downloaded in Step 3 and update your iPhone.

iTunes - Select IPCC file

Step 7: Once the update is done, reboot your iPhone.

You should now have fully working MMS on your iPhone 3G and 3GS with visual voicemail.

MMS on iPhone 3GS OS 3.1

Disclaimer: This guide is for testing & educational purposes only. I'm not responsible for any loss of important data or malfunctioning of your iPhone.

Download iTunes
Download .IPCC file to enable MMS

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